How To Fall In Love With Selling With Connie Whitman
Dec 29, 2022Falling in love with selling takes you a step closer to success. When you do, you are able to give the energy and flow to communicate well with clients and prospects. Lisa Pezik is with Connie Whitman to talk about nurturing sales, just like how you nurture your babies. Connie is the CEO of Whitman & Associates for more than 20 years, helping ambitious business owners, leaders, and sales teams build powerhouse organizations. She is known for her energetic, passionate, heart-centered, and enthusiastic sales, teaching, and coaching approach. In this episode, Connie discusses three responses of every sales call regardless of the outcome, how lack of preparation and procrastination kills sales, and how to trust your gut. She also elaborates on ways to build long-term relationships with clients.
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How To Fall In Love With Selling With Connie Whitman
I am excited to dive into sales. When you're sitting here, you’re driving, you’re walking or whatever you're doing, you did want to do two things. You went, “Sales, I got this. I know it’s important. I'm good. I'm doing my thing,” or you gasp surprised. This show is for both because as we evolve and we sharpen our skills, why wouldn't we want to make it easier and do it better? If you're the person who gasps surprised, this is especially for you because sales is so important. It's like brushing your teeth in the morning. You would not forget it. Maybe you forget to do that, but then the outcome will be smelly breath all day and it isn't going to be so lovely. You know it’s important that you have to do it. Sales is the same. It's not negotiable because it's the lifeblood of your business. I'm honored to have an expert in sales. Connie Whitman is here on the show. Welcome.
Lisa, thanks so much for having me. You crack me up. We have to brush our teeth and we have to do sales. It's not a negotiation. It's a must-do.
Connie and I are both moms and business owners so we gave you mom tips and business owner tips. Connie is in New Jersey. She's got so much fire and passion. She’s got many years of helping leaders and sales teams building powerhouse organizations. Connie is known for her high energy, passionate, heart-centered and enthusiastic approach to sales and teaching. Connie, you've been the CEO of Whitman and Associates for many years, and three-time International bestselling author of the book ESP: Easy Sales Process, 7 Steps To Sales Success. You are a speaker, podcast host and influencer. I love that you teach transformational tools and content to ensure that business owners and salespeople grow their revenue streams through their enhanced communication skills. It is sales skills but the heart of it is communication skills. I had the honor to be on your podcast, The Heart-Centered Sales Leader and Enlightenment of Change. You have two weekly international podcasts and I was honored to be on one of them. I’m honored to have you here doing this with me and my audience.
I hope everybody is ready for super high energy because Lisa and I were like ping pong. We go back and forward. We're going to have some fun.
I look forward to the day when you and I were in the same room together. Let's dive in, Connie. People feel that sales is so icky or “Am I doing it wrong?” or “Someone told me to use the sales script and it doesn't feel authentic to me.” Where do they start if they have this icky feeling or they've been trying it, it's not going good, and they don't know what the right next step is?
If your career wasn't in sales so that you start out of college or out of high school. You went right into sales and then you start a business. No one should be selling your stuff if you're the business owner. It should be your responsibility because nobody is going to be as passionate, no one will be able to articulate, and no one is going to get as excited as you because it's your baby. It's your business. That's number one. There are a couple of things that I want to unpack with that question. We are taught to think of sales as the sleazy, icky, pushy, in-your-face thing, which is horrifying because we are taught through movies like Wolf of Wall Street and Glengarry Glen Ross. The premise of that show is you should always be closing. It’s a horrible and disgusting way to be.
The other thing is as humans, we've bought things through our lives, whether it's a car, TV or programs for our business where we're trying to learn and educate ourselves. The person is all hype like, “You're going to get this and this.” We're sold to this thing and it's not what we thought we were buying. We get duped and tripped. We've all been on the receiving end of that sleazy icky pitch. When it's our turn as business owners, we're like, “I don't want to be sleazy or icky.”
Find your dream and passion, and earn income with that.
The next thing that you said that I want to unpack is, where do you start? You mentioned scripts and stuff like that. I've been in sales and service sales, meaning intangible. I was never a copy salesman or a computer salesman. It was always financial or now as a business owner, my services. They're intangible which a little bit harder but I think more impactful to the world. How do we sell our service? How do we sell our business without that icky, sleazy vibe? The first thing you need to do is if someone in sales says, “You need my script,” run the other way. I tell to people that my energy is high. I talk and fire fast. I have clients who are not talking fast and they're much more cerebral in how they think. You mentioned the communication. I have clients that communicate vastly different than I do.
If I say, “Here's my script. I use it and it works every time.” It works every time because of the way I communicate and put information out, the energy I put out, and how I connect with the person in front of me. It should be your script. With that said, do I give templates? Sure. Here's the flow of the conversation. Now let's figure out how you want to deliver and how you want that information to land with the client. This is another thing I always say when I do my workshops. In the workshop, I throw out the question, who's the secret sauce in sales? Everybody put in the chat on Zoom and they go, “You.” I always say, "You meaning me or you meaning you?" They go, "No. Connie." I say, "You're all wrong. You're the secret sauce because it's how you communicate and how you vibrate. What is your energy? How are you exchanging energy?" When I say energy, it doesn't have to be high energy like Lisa and me. We all have a vibrational flow to us. The client prospect or whoever is feeling that. We have to tap into the buyer's communication style for us to succeed. You have to be you. You are the secret sauce. We could give you the tools to get there but you are the magic in the equation.
It almost like it takes the pressure off of you of doing it right because when you're doing it authentic and unique to you, it's always right. Do you think that people know how important sales is like, “This is what makes my business go?” Why don't we put so much pressure on ourselves or feel a failure when someone says no? How do we go around that?
Here's the thing in my ESP. Everybody has that ESP with your clients to some extent. It's just that mine is much easier because it's an Easy Sales Process. I did name the book specifically that way and I have the head of a brain for that ESP vibe. I had someone designed the book. It’s all intentional and a little humor in that as well. When you understand the seven steps, it is nothing more than the flow of the communication. The problem is we don't have the flow or the path of the conversation correct.
Here's an example. The first step is preparation. I have met people who are like, "I don't know what sales is. I was referred to Lisa so I'm going to tell Lisa how great my products or services are and why I got into the business. I'm going to share it because I'm so great." They go and vomit information. There's no preparation and thought. What happens is right out of the gate, you've shot yourself in the foot because the person is thinking, "Are they going to come up for air and ask me a question? Don't they need to know my situation?" We make it about us because we think what we're selling is so amazing, which you need to think out of the gate, being prepared. You go in thinking, "I need to pause and understand the customer then I could share how great what I do is." It's just flipping the script. That's number one.
Number two. Because people think of sales like, “I don't want to do it. I'm scared. I'm afraid. What if I stink at it? I have to make that phone call. I have to send that email. I'll do it tomorrow.” We procrastinate the sale and we find busywork to do. Here's the danger and I want everybody to pay attention to this. If you put sales off, you're leaving so much money on the table and you're slowing your momentum of financial success, whatever that means to you. That doesn't mean you have to make a bazillion dollars. That's not who I am. Money does not motivate me. Serving my client motivates me. Here's the thing in my many years and what I have found. When you put the client first, they give back to you exponentially. Can I share a quick story?
Of course.
When I first started in sales many years ago, I was selling insurance. I'm in the United States. I got my Series 7 license, all my life health and all of those insurance licenses. I sat with my first client alone after my sales manager let me go off on my own. It was a young couple. They had two little girls and he was a blue-collar worker. He was a mason, a builder or something. She was a stay-at-home mom and their income was limited. He knew if something happened to him, the family would be out on the street so he needed life insurance. That's what he kept saying to me.
What I did is, “Let's take a breath. Let's take a step back. You don't have enough money to put food on the table on a regular basis.” They were struggling financially, “I could sell you the insurance and you can pay six months from now, $600 or whatever it would be, cumulative.” Those are the monthly payments. Let's say they're $100 a month, “Six months from now, you're going to throw that $600 away and the policy is going to lapse. Now you threw that money away and you still don't have the insurance. This is crazy.” I had all these licenses and I have an MBA in Finance. I felt like I am so blessed with all of this education and knowledge.
My responsibility is to serve and teach people. What I did is I taught and it was funny because the other thing people said, “Did you talked to the wife?” I think, “If I only talked to the husband, the wife is never going to understand the financial budget part of it. If something happens to him, they're still going to be in financial distress.” What I had done with that client is I worked with them for six months. I got them on a budget, had money in the bank, and they were able to afford the insurance premium. Meanwhile, the wife took more interest in understanding the financial aspect of the household. Six months later, we've got the insurance.
Here's what happened. During that six months where I met with them, did I make any money? No. Did I get paid for that time? No, I was on full commission. Was it the right thing to do? Yes. I felt it was my responsibility to teach these people who were less fortunate than I. Fast forward, who became my best referrers? I made so much money from that six months that I didn't get paid a dime. I made thousands of dollars later on because I did the right thing. You build a reputation. Here's the thing I'm passionate about. At that time, it was financial. I was passionate about people understanding money so that they can have a future, they can thrive, and could leave legacies. That was my passion. Now, my business is my passion. I'm passionate about teaching people how to sell. It's the same concept. You can have money and build your legacy for whatever that means to you. Does that make sense, Lisa?
I love that take-home message of doing the right thing. We've talked about this, Connie. We're not afraid to lovingly turn people away. Every call doesn't have to end in the sale. Every call has to end in what's best for the client or the customer. There are times when we're like, "We want lead generation. It's not going to work because X, Y and Z are not right yet, but we can help you do X, Y and Z or if you have a team already, go do X, Y and Z, then come back to us and then we're going to have success together.”
When you really put the clients first, they give back to you exponentially.
It's not always about pain point marketing, twisting the knife and fake urgency, “I'm a failure if I go into this meeting and I don't get the sale.” That's not the marker of success. You can say, “However many sales I get, it means I'm doing it right.” It's not about that. It's about long-term relationship building. I love how that story nailed it home. Of course, you're not icky when you care about the person. You're like, “Here's what you need.” Don't be afraid to play the long game and realize that you're always looking at what's best for that person.
Think about what you said. You have to think about the long game, especially a business owner. Even if it's a side hustle right now, your whole thing becomes your full-time job at some point when you have enough money in the bank. Do things smart. Don't quit your job because you have a dream. You still have bills to pay. Let's be logical about this. It's always about the end game. For instance, my kids graduated and I never said to them, “Take over my business. That's what I'm building it for.” It was, “Find your dream and your passion.” Now, as they're graduating, they're working and they're out there, they see what I'm doing and how much I love my business.
My one son graduated with a Marketing Degree so he used me. He had to work on a year-long project in college and he said, “Mom, can I use you?” I'm like, “Yes.” He came up with these great ideas and strategies. I thought, “I could include that in my marketing campaigns and whatnot.” Now, they're taking an interest. I said, “If you guys want, in the next years, let's build it out.” Now I could create a legacy business. That was never my thought. What I thought is someday I’ll either sell it, I’ll die in the business when it dies or whatever. It's paying the bills, I'm putting money in the bank, and I'm going to have a nice retirement. It was serving my purposes. Now it's shifting. I thought I have ten more good years in me. I'm going to be 60 and I can build a legacy business now. I have things in place that I can easily do.
You have to play the long game. It's not about, “I need to make the sale now.” Here's another thing, be aware. When you go in desperate to make that sale, that's not a place you want to come from. That's why I started with preparing. You have to be prepared for the conversation and in all aspects of your life. You have to make sure that your marketing and messaging are solid. If somebody lands on a landing page, the landing page is working. All of that is important too. You have to get in front of people and tell them your story like I'm doing right now.
Every time Lisa was on my podcast, she told her story. We're trying to exchange our clients because we trust each other, and that's another big piece of the puzzle. I only work, deal and partner with people that I trust because, for many years, I’ve built a great reputation out there. I will never allow anyone to tarnish that because I'm trusted. I want people to trust me because I am heart-centered. I want to go back with what Lisa was saying and I want to make sure this is clear. When you have that sales conversation, in the end, three things should happen. This is what Lisa was alluding to. One, the client is like, “Where have you been my whole life? How fast can we get this going?” They're excited and resonating. It’s what I call the dead hit. You're a perfect match and it's a match made in heaven.
The second thing that happens is you say to the client, “You're not ready for me yet.” It’s exactly Lisa's example, “Let's work on or you get your team to do this and this. I'm not getting paid but I’ll help you with that.” It’s the right thing to do. It's your responsibility. Remember what I said with my story. The shift is, "Now, you're ready for me 1, 2, 6 months from now." One, the client is ready to rock and roll. Two, "You're not ready for me yet."
The third one is, “I'm not the right person, vendor or option for you. You need to meet my friend, Lisa. This is where you need to be. A year from now, you'll need me. Right now, you need to work with Lisa.” You do a referral. Notice I didn't say get an objection. When you get the objection, “The timing is not right. I don't have the money.” I'm telling you in my seven-step process, you will clearly be able to figure out in those first five steps where you have a deficit in your communication. Those first six steps are all about the communication piece. Step seven is the follow-up. That's another whole story. We could do a whole show on follow-up.
The sales is the easy part when you've done the other six steps, you've done the communication and the work. It's deconstructing all of that. That's the piece that nobody has been taught. We've been taught everyone is a prospect and you're selling all the time. If you don't know how to sell, your business is going to go on under. There's all this pressure.
The most fun part of being a business owner is the sales because sales is talking and supporting people. Lisa and I met through a networking group that we belong to. Somehow, we got connected whether we looked at the profiles on the platform of the networking group. Your mind is thinking, "Who's resonating with me. I'd like to partner with people so that maybe we work on a project together and create something cool or there are people go through them and then I'd be a great addition to whatever their offer is or vice versa," like what Lisa does. When I see people with bad marketing, I could say, "We could still work on the sales piece of it but you really need to get your marketing in order. Let's talk to Lisa. I could bring in my expertise to help you with that."
You build your team of referral partners. What happens is the tide rises and you're finding your people that are heart-centered. You have to be heart-centered to work with me or I want nothing to do with you. As soon as you find your peeps or your team, even though we all have different businesses, as the tide rises, we're supporting and helping each other. You have to earn that. You have to become good at that and you have to be able to sell your business. Otherwise, why would we partner with you if you can't even get out of your own way? We can never help you because I could send business to you, but you're shooting yourself in the foot. Tide rises together. You have to perfect these skills but take the pressure off. Be yourself and be passionate about your product and knowledgeable, but what is that communication path look like?
I love that you bring that up too. What's hitting home for me in this show is it's not always about that end marker and knowing what to do right away. Even with you, Connie, I have to be heart-centered. I had an instant connection with you right away, and know how much my people need you. In The Dames, which is the networking group that we’re in, as I'm growing this chapter here in Southern Ontario, what I'm realizing in the 70-plus conversations that I’ve had, a qualifier of the Dames is you have to be operating a 6 and 7-figure business or C Suite leader making six figures plus. Many women here in Southern Ontario were not making six figures.
I'm like, “I'm meeting these beautiful, heart-centered, passionate, intelligent, incredible, “I want you in my tribe” women and they don't hit the income mark.” Someone described it to me as the Canadian Poppy Syndrome. Poppy is a flower. They're too nice and too passive. I love how you talked about in the beginning the preparation, that you can't procrastinate. I find women here are procrastinating because of fear or they're like, “I don't want to be known as a jerk. I'm nice, I’m miss and I'm not icky.”
They're not prepared and don't know this communication. They're trying to sell out of desperation and they're not getting the result that they want. I got to bring you in with these 70-plus women. I didn't know that right off the hop when I met you. I went, “I didn't know there was this issue in Southern Ontario. I got to go to Connie.” I know the exact relationship that I built and the exact referral person.” Whether we're going to build something together, I'm going to send people to you. When you know people and you do the work, when there's a problem that's identified and you don't have the solution, you know someone you can go to the house.
You and I talked about maybe doing a workshop to try to get them on the path. Here's the reality, guys. Earning six figures is really not hard. I know if you're not making six figures, you're like, “This chick is out of her mind.” I'm telling you, earning six figures is not hard once you get in your zone and articulate perfectly because networking is a big piece of it. Networking in the correct way. For example, Lisa found this population of brilliant, heart-centered, and wonderful women that are needed in the world. Their services or products are needed in the world and they're not out there. That is horrible to me because they're needed. It's their responsibility. I'll go back to that. I do think we should do a free workshop to get people some skills.
Here's another thing. I'll share one more quick story. I'm doing a free workshop. We're going to give you that information. You'll learn so many things from it so come and play, and then make an offer at the end. Some people are going to love the offers. Some people are not going to be ready for it. That’s okay. Come and learn anyway. It's free information. I offer a ten-week masterclass and you get one-on-one coaching from me. I'm very hands-on because that's how I feel I coach best and how I can help people. One of my students is my friend now. That's the other thing when you become my friend, you become a client. You're stuck with me. It is what it is so just deal with it.
We were three weeks in and she had bought a very expensive sales program. It was, “Always be selling, always be closing. You should have a minimum of $25,000 offer." I'm thinking, "That's the craziest thing I've ever heard." She followed me for a year on my podcast and loved me. Every time I said something, she's like, "I could use that. That feels so good." Fast forward, she buys my program and three weeks in, she says to me, “I’ve made more money in this past three weeks than I have made all year.” I was like, “Why?” She goes, “One simple thing. You told me you were going to do it and you did it. My whole mindset has shifted as to what sales is and should be. I'm so much more comfortable now with the conversation.”
We were three weeks in, not ten weeks in. She made back the investment of my program plus she's going on vacation. Not only did she pay her bills more easily, she even put money away in less than ten weeks. She paid for the program plus put money in the bank for vacation. That’s the big piece of it too. The mindset shift. She was in her own head. All I did was gave her the tools. I dug in and challenged her. “Why do you have that?” “Because that's what I was told to do.” “I don't agree with that. Let's break it down. Maybe you make it into three programs.” That's the difference. You have to get out of your own head too. You just need the tools to figure that out.
Don’t feel pressured and instantly feel like a failure when you are rejected in sales.
That's what I was going to say. One of the biggest roadblocks that women or entrepreneurs have is they don't ask for help. I was talking to a woman who was going to join The Dames and she was like, “You're Lisa. You're such a go-getter. I could never do what you do.” The idea of doing a business or the entrepreneurial thing alone, she’s like, “That doesn't appeal to me.” I'm like, “First off, anybody can be a go-getter. Second, what makes you think that being an entrepreneur means you have to do things alone. I don't do anything alone. I have a team, mentors, communities and referral partners.” If you're trying to go at this alone, you're making it harder on yourself. If you're a person going, “I don't know how to do sales,” then you go and get with Connie. “I don't know how to do the marketing, the Facebook ads and the website,” then you go and get with me. That's why you get help. You don't suffer in silence.
I just want to comment on that. They'll go, "I don't have the money." Here's my other thing. I've hired people to help me with my messaging. That is not my zone of genius, thank you very much. I don't want to do it and I don't know how to do it. I had to outsource it. People will go, "That costs money." That's true. It did but budget it in and figure it out. Here's the flip side. By doing that, I've made more money because, as you are messaging and the messaging is super clear, the right people are going to find you. Let's say you never pressure me but you work with me. I help you on that whole communication process, find your secret sauce within you, I give you the tools to get there, so there's a bridge.
We go over the bridge and we build the plank of the bridge one by one to get you to the other side. With my one student, she put the money out and within three weeks, she made it back plus. You can't look at it as an expense. When you're educating yourself or helping yourself, that is not a cost. That's an investment. It's funny I had a meeting with her. We're doing one-on-one coaching now, which is not cheap but she knows. She said, “Connie, within the first two months, I'm going to make back what I’m paying you, plus I want to take you on a better vacation."
She's already changed her mindset. This isn't a cost but an investment. I was giggling and I go, "I know. Ten years from now, you're going to have made $20 million off of what I'm going to teach you." She goes, "Yeah, baby." I said, "Think of all the things we could do out in the world. Help poverty and kids." We were dreaming about what are we going to do when she makes her millions. The investment is small for the trajectory of what you can have. If you're messaging isn't right, then your sales will never come to be because you're sending them to a place that they're looking. They’ll go, “That's not what Connie told me. What is this on the website?” You create confusion and that's dangerous too.
You need all of it. You need the inbound and the outbound. You need to be able to close in a way that feels great to you with the right people. Back to the investment, I always say you're paying me to help you. You're not investing in me. You're reinvesting in you and the business. I know on my end, I'm going to deliver exactly what you need. If we're going to work together, I'm going to hold to my end of the bargain. If you're worried about, “I don't have the money. I don't know if this is going to work. What's going to be my ROI?” I always say, “You got to have that internal gut check with yourself. You're not saying yes to me. You're saying yes to you. You need to carry that out. We're going to do our part to help you along the way and that piece back to you.”
I just want to comments on two things with what Lisa said. Go with your gut. Everybody is not going to want to work with me. I honor that. I don't feel bad and it's not personal. If the way I teach, you're not going to learn, that's okay. Find someone who can that you will resonate with from a coaching or a mentoring vibe. It’s the same thing. Everybody isn't going to vibe with Lisa and her husband, and that's okay. The point is you need to do these things. Find someone who resonates with you. Gut check all the time. I listened to my gut and it steers me. When people feel off, that could be an unconscious conversation. We all meet icky people and we don't know why, but if something is off, you don't want to work with someone like that. That has served me well.
When Lisa and I met and you told me about the 70 women not making six figures, I said, “We got to do something.” Lisa and I immediately started brainstorming. How can we serve them? What can we do? It’s not, “How can we make money from these people?” It’s, “We have to help these people. That's ridiculous. They're brilliant. Let's bring their voice to the market.” The gut is important. Lisa resonated with me in that conversation.
The second thing is to look at the long game. Check your gut. Don't be afraid to look at or expect the return on the investment. One other piece of advice. I have a process and through my process in my coaching program, everybody is treated differently. I don't mean differently personality-wise but you all have different needs. I am not a cookie-cutter person. If you feel like, "I want the one and done. You have the answer for me." Everybody is looking for the magic pill. That's another thing I caution you about. If it's a cookie-cutter "my way is the right way” with sales, run the other way. My one student now friend spent a lot of money and it made her feel even worse about sales. It's an investment in you but make sure that it's not cookie-cutter. You're the secret sauce, not the program. Please, remember that. That's really important.
You've got something coming up for them. The free gift. Tell them about the workshop.
Two things. I have a Free Communication Style Assessment. You'll get two reports. One, it's going to tell you your natural superpower, how you communicate and how people perceive you. Get a report on the superpowers, and then it scales it. There are five different behavioral styles. Twenty percent of the time, we're talking with people like us. Eighty percent of the time, you're talking to people different from you. That's where the sales process is important because it's that 8 out of 10 people you're talking to, you need to understand their buying style. I also give you a report on the lowest style, which is usually our blind spot. That's where we're shooting ourselves in the foot.
It’s important to know how to do things authentically and uniquely.
It's a free gift to you. Additionally, take that free CSA. I have a free workshop. It's a 90-minute hands-on. We're going to get it in play. If you take the CSA and you can email me, “Connie, I took the CSA.” I'm going to put several people in my petri dish and in about 20 to 25 minutes of the 90 minutes, I’m going to coach people one-on-one. I'm going to look at your communication style and tell you, “Here are your strengths. Build on that and beware of.” I'm going to give you some real hands-on action steps to do. I love coaching. It's my thing. It’s the two gifts. It’s all free. Come and play, get to know me, and then down the road, maybe you'll come in and become part of my family, which I love.
I always say, "When we know better, we do better," and you're giving them the tools to know better. That free live coaching is priceless. One little tip, one little tweak, one little thing is game-changing. Connie is somebody that you want in your back pocket to help you get all the things in business. Do good, be seen, be out there, and feel good about what you're putting out into the world and who you're helping.
Come and play, guys. Follow me or stalk me. I love it. If it's not right yet, it's the long game. I do love what I do. You will walk away loving your business even more because you will make the money that you should be making, but you're going to be serving at such a higher level. Guys, we are in this together. We need to make this world magical again because we're all crazy right now. Let's band together and change the world. That's part of my mission in life. Come play.
Connie, thank you so much for being here.
Thanks, Lisa. I love hanging out with you, girlfriend. Love you all. Big kisses out there.
Thank you for tuning in. Go back to this, use it as a resource, and get connected to Connie. There are so many places and things that you could be putting your time and energy into. Thank you for dialing in here with us. It’s our pleasure to serve you. We'll see you next time on the Lisa Pezik Show.
Important Links:
- Whitman and Associates
- ESP: Easy Sales Process, 7 Steps To Sales Success
- The Dames
- Free Communication Style Assessment
About Connie Whitman
Known for her high-energy, passionate, heart-centered, and enthusiastic approach to sales, teaching and coaching, Connie Whitman has been the CEO of Whitman & Associates, LLC for 20+ years helping ambitious business owners, leaders and sales teams build powerhouse organizations.
A three time #1 International Best-Selling author of her book ESP (Easy Sales Process): 7-Steps to Sales Success, speaker, podcast host, and influencer, Connie’s inspired teaching, transformational tools and content ensure that business owners and salespeople grow their revenue streams through enhanced communication skills.
As a podcast host, she is thrilled to share inspiring content on her two weekly, international podcasts the “Heart-Centered Sales Leader,” and “Enlightenment of Change.”
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Written by Lisa Pezik